Arnavi 5

Arnavi 5
Número de unidades: 0 / 7
Comandos SMS:
  • IP/DNS

    By default, the <password> field has the value123456.

    <server_address> – a string with a length of up to 32 symbols. Contains the DNS name or IP address of the server.

    <server_port> – a number within the range from 1 to 65535. It is not a mandatory parameter and this parameter is not required to be transmitted when it is not necessary to change the server port. <protocol_type> – the number of the protocol: 0 – INTERNAL; 4 – EGTS.

    <server_SN> – the ID for the server. It is not a mandatory parameter and this parameter is not required to be transmitted when it is not necessary to change the ID for the server.

    <server_password> – the password for the server. It is not a mandatory parameter and this parameter is not required to be transmitted when it is not necessary to change the password for the server.

    If you type space key instead value – you will remove value.

  • APN
    <password>*SETP*#2=<name>,<user_name>,<apn password>

    By default, the <password> field has the value123456.

    <name> – a string with a length of up to 32 symbols. Contains the name of the access point.

    <user_name> – a string with a length of up 32 symbols. Contains the user name of the access point.

    <apn password> – a string with a length of up 32 symbols. Contains the password of the access point.

For the remote configuration of the tracker, a cloud service, web configurator, is used. It allows remotely configuring a device or group of devices without physical connection to the tracker via a cable or adapter. In addition, the web configurator service supports the function of the remote updating of device software. To work with the web configurator, you will need an account (login/password), which you can always get receive at the support Service

Arnavi 5 is a feature-rich GPS tracker capable of reporting to two monitoring servers. The device features RS232, RS485 and 1-WIRE interfaces, CANbus support, 2 SIM card support, 2 analog inputs, 6 digital inputs, 4 discrete outputs, backup battery, loudspeaker mode connectivity, and more.

La dirección de servidor exacta y el puerto para tu dispositivo se especifican en la configuración de la unidad en la pestaña de hardware.

A continuación figura la lista de posibles direcciones:

DNS Address:

¿Cómo utilizar?

Cree una cuenta e inicie sesión

Simplemente hay que registrarse en la plataforma GPS-Trace. Descargue la aplicación que más le convenga. Ingrese el nombre de usuario y contraseña que usted ha indicado durante el registro.

Cree una unidad

Cree una unidad en la cuenta de usted. Escoja el tipo de su dispositivo, establezca un ID único y obtenga la dirección y puerto del servidor para conectar el dispositivo.

Configure su rastreador

Configure su rastreador para que envíe datos a la dirección y puerto del servidor que usted ha obtenido cuando se ha creado la unidad. La unidad se mostrará en la aplicación inmediatamente.

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