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Akses ke Partner Panel
Menghubungkan klien
Mengelola klien
Mengoptimalkan bisnis
Tim GPS-Trace membangun dan mendukung komunitas mitra di seluruh dunia yang menawarkan layanan pelacakan GPS kepada klien secara global.
Bergabunglah dengan Peta Mitra kami hari ini untuk meningkatkan visibilitas bisnis Anda, menarik pelanggan baru, dan membuka peluang pertumbuhan. Perluas jangkauan Anda dan dorong kesuksesan dalam industri pelacakan GPS.
Dealer potensial kami adalah para profesional di bidang berikut:
Untuk bekerja sama, diperlukan status badan hukum atau pengusaha perorangan.
Artikel blog:
Bagaimana Memulai Bisnis Pelacakan GPS pada tahun 2024?
Partner Panel: Fungsionalitas
Jika Anda seorang profesional dalam pelacakan GPS dan ingin menjadi mitra kami, Anda dapat mengakses Partner Panel melalui salah satu metode berikut:
Daftar secara mandiri di Partner Panel dengan mengikuti petunjuk di
Isi formulir permintaan di situs web GPS-Trace (berikan email Anda, negara, nama perusahaan, dan deskripsikan bisnis Anda, termasuk aktivitas yang direncanakan dan basis klien Anda).
Posting Blog:
Peta Jalan Mitra Kami
Semua dealer kami mendapatkan akses ke Partner Panel, alat khusus yang memungkinkan pembuatan, konfigurasi, dan pengelolaan akun serta unit klien mereka dengan mudah di aplikasi Forguard dan Ruhavik, termasuk penggunaan platform API.
Tim kami menyediakan dukungan teknis penuh saat bekerja dengan sistem dan aplikasi kami.
Dealer juga dapat secara opsional muncul di Peta Mitra di situs web kami, yang memungkinkan calon klien dan pengguna kami menemukan integrator di wilayah mereka dengan mudah.
Detail lebih lanjut tentang alat bisnis GPS-Trace.
Artikel Blog:
Partner Panel: Fungsionalitas
Peta Partners Map kami dirancang untuk membantu pengguna kami menemukan integrator lokal yang dapat menyediakan solusi komprehensif (pelacak + kartu SIM + aplikasi kami) atau layanan pelacakan GPS di wilayah mereka.
Artikel blog:
Pelacakan GPS: Peta mitra
Harga kami bergantung pada fungsi yang digunakan:
1. Forguard dan Panel Mitra.
Dalam hal ini, biaya layanan bulanan tetap sebesar 20 euro dikenakan, serta biaya untuk akun yang diaktifkan. Biaya per unit, tergantung pada fungsi yang dipilih untuk pengguna, saat ini berkisar antara 0,3 hingga 1,9 euro per bulan.
2. Ruhavik dan Panel Mitra.
Di sini, akses ke Panel Mitra disediakan secara gratis. Aplikasi Ruhavik gratis untuk melacak satu unit di satu akun pelanggan (termasuk 2 geozone dan 10 MB penyimpanan). Jika unit tambahan atau fungsi yang diperluas diperlukan, langganan berbayar dapat dibeli.
Jika Anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut tentang tarif kami, silakan hubungi kami di atau kirimkan permintaan di situs web GPS-Trace.
Alasan utama adalah metode pembayaran dan koneksi tambahan Anda dengan pelanggan.
Jika Anda hanya ingin menjual tracker dan aplikasi, menerima uang, dan melupakan semuanya, Anda dapat menggunakan Ruhavik. Dalam Ruhavik, pengguna Anda yang bertanggung jawab atas pembayaran selanjutnya, dan tidak ada cara langsung untuk terhubung dengan mitra yang menjual tracker tersebut. Beberapa mitra kami tidak ingin berurusan dengan setiap pelanggan kecil yang mereka miliki.
Namun, jika Anda ingin tetap terhubung dengan pelanggan Anda, melindungi penggunaan tracker Anda di tempat lain, menerima pendapatan bulanan dari penyediaan layanan pelacakan GPS, dan mendapatkan harga terbaik di pasar, Anda harus memilih Forguard.
Artikel Blog:
Forguard vs. Ruhavik: Apa yang Saya Butuhkan sebagai Mitra?
We do not provide exclusive rights to our solutions in a certain region, because interested in each partner.
Partner Panel adalah alat untuk penyedia layanan yang memungkinkan Anda dengan cepat dan mudah menetapkan tarif, menyesuaikan tampilan aplikasi, mendukung klien, dan mendapatkan bantuan dari tim GPS-Trace. Alat ini menawarkan sistem manajemen pelanggan dengan masa percobaan 30 hari.
Dengan alat ini, Anda dapat:
Partner Panel tersedia dalam 14 bahasa, sedangkan Forguard & Ruhavik mendukung pelacakan jarak dan jarak tempuh dalam sistem metrik, imperial, dan nautikal, serta lebih dari 20 bahasa.
Artikel Blog:
Partner Panel: Fungsionalitas
Manajemen Armada yang Efektif: Solusi GPS-Trace
Anda dapat mendaftar dengan salah satu cara berikut:
Daftar secara mandiri di Partner Panel dengan mengikuti petunjuk di
Isi formulir permintaan di situs web GPS-Trace (berikan email Anda, negara, nama perusahaan, dan jelaskan bisnis Anda, termasuk rencana kegiatan dan basis klien Anda).
- Jika Anda sebelumnya terdaftar dengan alamat email Anda di aplikasi Ruhavik, maka dengan mengklik tautan tersebut Anda hanya akan melihat halaman sambutan dan Anda harus masuk menggunakan alamat email dan kata sandi BARU (tidak sama dengan di Ruhavik).
- Gunakan alamat email yang valid sehingga jika Anda kehilangan nama pengguna atau kata sandi, Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk memulihkan akses ke akun Anda.
Adding information to a company card will allow a partner to:
- Appear on our Partners map;
- Get new clients from our website;
- Display partner information in the client application.
Dealer kami memiliki akses ke API yang memungkinkan mereka dengan mudah membuat paket tarif, mengelola akun klien, membuat unit, mengambil statistik, dan banyak lagi untuk manajemen bisnis yang efisien.
Salah satu fitur utama dari API adalah aksesnya yang nyaman melalui Partner Panel, di mana dealer dapat menguji semua metode API yang tersedia secara langsung melalui antarmuka yang mudah digunakan berdasarkan Swagger. Hal ini memungkinkan dealer GPS-Trace untuk mengelola proses bisnis tanpa membuang waktu menjelajahi banyak platform.
Artikel blog:
FAQ: Metode API Mitra
Menggunakan API dan Integrasi Stripe dalam Pemantauan GPS
On the Partner Swagger API tab in the Partner Panel, you can find all the methods currently available to partners.
To use the API you need:
1. Go to the Partner Panel to the Partner API Swagger section.
2. Create and copy an authorization token in the “Tokens” tab.
3. Go to the Swagger API tab, click the “Authorize” button and paste the copied token there.
Only after logging in, you will be able to view and test the operation of the methods directly from the Partner Panel.
Each method has a "Try it out" button, which allows you to send requests.
Many methods require mandatory fields to be filled in when submitting a request, which are described in each method.
Additionally, for clarity, the methods are categorized into specific sections and include an explanation of what they do.
Blog articles:
FAQ: Partner API Methods
Using API and Stripe Integration in GPS Monitoring
Forguard adalah aplikasi yang didistribusikan oleh dealer kami kepada pelanggan mereka, memungkinkan mereka untuk melacak kendaraan menggunakan pelacakan GPS.
Manfaat utama Forguard bagi dealer:
Artikel blog:
Forguard: Kasus Penggunaan untuk Berbagai Kebutuhan
Forguard: Temukan Keuntungannya
Kumpulkan Pembayaran dari Klien Anda: sekarang dengan PayPal
You can start with Trial period for 30 days.
Within this trial period, you are entitled to create:
● A maximum of 4 client plans;
● 2 Forguard accounts;
● Up to 60 units in total, with a limit of 30 units per application account.
Jika Anda siap untuk menggunakan versi lengkap Forguard dan ingin segera mulai membuat dan menjual kembali akun pengguna, Anda harus melanjutkan dengan memilih versi lengkap Forguard. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan detail kartu pembayaran perusahaan Anda dan menyetujui Public Offer Agreement kami.
Untuk menyelesaikan verifikasi profil perusahaan, harap berikan kepada kami: sertifikat pendaftaran perusahaan (scan/foto dengan kualitas baik). Kami akan meninjaunya dan dapat memberikan Anda akses penuh ke Forguard.
Dengan aplikasi Forguard, dealer memiliki akses ke opsi White Label berikut:
Selain itu, pengguna akan melihat informasi dealer langsung di dalam aplikasi, menambahkan sentuhan pribadi dan memperkuat merek.
Artikel blog:
Forguard: Temukan Keuntungannya
Branding Situs Web Kustom: Fitur Baru untuk Mitra GPS-Trace
In the Partner Panel, we have a demo version of Forguard, which partners can use to demonstrate the app's functionality to potential clients without the need to create accounts and configure units.
Partner plans are rate plans based on which the cost of services for the partner is calculated. Based on Partner plans, a partner can create any number of tariffs for their clients, independently determining the functionality and price at which the partner will sell to their clients.
Regardless of which Partner plan is chosen to create a client plan, the partner pays only for activated units.
Currently, there are four tariffs: Starter, Lite, Lite+, and Advanced, with costs starting from 0.3 euros per unit for a full month.
Blog article:
Forguard Partners Billing Guide
Client plans are a set of capabilities and features of the Forguard application created by the partner based on partner plans for their clients. In the client plan, the partner specifies the maximum number of units, geozones, and data storage capacity, the ability to use advanced notifications, Google Maps, GPRS commands, sharing, statistics, and mileage and engine hour counters.
Based on partner plans, a partner can either create their own tariff grid for their clients or create an exclusive client plan for a specific account.
Blog article:
Forguard Partners Billing Guide
You can create up to 200 Forguard accounts from scratch. This is the first step for our partner.
When you approach this limit, we will simply increase the number of slots.
In a single Forguard account, up to 70 units can be created.
Additionally, Forguard features a quick account switching function, allowing clients to easily switch between accounts if they need to track more than 70 units.
Blog Article:
Breaking Limits: Up to 70 units per Forguard User
To create a Forguard account, you need in Partner Panel to:
After creating the account, you can change its name and add a description, if necessary.
Please note that before creating a client account, you must create client plans based on partner plans. The same client plan can be used for multiple accounts.
To create a unit, click on the unit selection field and select Create unit.
A step-by-step form for creating a unit will open:
1. Select the model of your GPS device(tracker) from the list.
2. Enter your tracker details, such as its ID (IMEI) and, if required, a password.
3. Click on the Save button.
Now the unit has been created and all that remains is to connect your tracker to it.
After clicking the Save button, you will see the connection menu of your tracker. Here you will find the server address (IP/DNS) and port that you need to configure your device to.
Important to know:
Before configuring the server and port of the tracker, don't forget to configure its APN according to your provider's data and time zone 0 (UTC), regardless of your location.
In the future, you can always find out the server address and port for connection in Hardware tab of Unit settings
A partner’s client can download the application from Google Play, AppStore, or use the web version of the application.
A partner can transfer a Forguard account to a client using:
1. links to activate your account;
2. QR code for account activation;
3. establishing a login/email and password for the client’s account.
In case a user fails to pay for the partner's services, the partner can block the user's access to their Forguard account until payment is made. During such a block, the account and its units continue to function, and once the account is unblocked, the user will regain access with all the unit history intact.
Tracking more than 70 units is possible with quick switching between Forguard accounts. The business independently decides how to distribute units across accounts, whether it's based on the geographical location of the units, different business goals and directions, or distribution among administrators responsible for managing and servicing the respective units.
Blog articles:
Effective Fleet Management: The GPS-Trace Solutions
How to track 70+ units on Forguard
Depending on the partner plan chosen for the client, the partner may at their discretion provide access to the following Forguard functionalities:
Blog articles:
Automating Maintenance with Forguard: Mileage and Engine Hour Counters
Notification system in Forguard: Security Features at Your Fingertips
Forguard: GPS Statistics and Reports
Forguard: Remote Command Capabilities
Using Forguard, the user can send to his tracker any command supported by the GPRS device (locking doors, turning off the engine and ignition, etc.).
The partner can decide whether to provide this opportunity to his client when creating a client tariff plan.
To send a command, it is important to meet 3 conditions:
1. need to know the correct command syntax;
2. the correct connection of the tracker to the vehicle;
3. a stable Internet connection.
Blog Articles:
Forguard: Remote Command Capabilities
The application offers Simple, Customizable and Own notifications.
The simple ones are notifications:
The customizable ones are notifications:
Own notifications (available with a premium subscription):
This type of notification allows you to receive notifications related to the parameters you choose, which are contained in the messages sent by the tracker.
You can receive notifications about fuel, battery, door open/close, alarm activation, and much more.
You should select the notification type “Parameter Existence”, “Alarm on parameter” or “Parameter change” and choose/set the parameter on which you want your notification to trigger.
Blog articles:
Notification system in Forguard: Security Features at Your Fingertips
If the client has forgotten the password, the partner can change the password through the Partner panel and provide the new password to the client.
The client can also use the “Forgot password?” option. To do this client needs:
1. Select "Forgot password?" on the login page
2. In the email client receive after this, follow the link to set a new password.
3. After the new password has been created, return to the login page
4. Click “Login” and fill in your username and new password.
Pembayaran untuk menggunakan Forguard dapat dilakukan melalui salah satu metode berikut: Stripe, PayPal, atau transfer bank (IBAN).
On the first day of each month, the partner receives an invoice via email and in the Partner Panel for active units from the previous month. To ensure uninterrupted service, please make sure the payment is completed by the 15th of the same month.
For units added or activated mid-month, we proportionally calculate the cost based on the number of active days to ensure fairness in billing, as detailed in your invoice.
If the invoice is not paid on time, access to the Partner Panel will be suspended. If the payment is not made within 10 days, user accounts in Forguard will also be blocked.
The invoice for using the Partner Panel and Forguard is issued directly to the partner.
Additionally, partners have the option to use Stripe and PayPal tools via the Partner Panel to invoice their clients.
Blog articles:
Collect Payments from your Clients: now with PayPal
Using API and Stripe Integration in GPS Monitoring
To create a Forguard account, you need to:
- Go to the Forguard section;
- Click the "+ Account" button in the top right corner.
After creating the account, you can change its name and add a description (if needed).
A Ruhavik account can have up to 30 units.
Partners have the option to pay for their client's subscription through the Partner Panel using PayPal or Stripe.
All our partners, upon receiving access to the Partner Panel, are provided with detailed documentation on using our tools.
Additionally, you can find a wealth of useful information about our solutions at the following links at:
If you want to become a partner and use our tools to build your business, please write to us at or fill out a request on the GPS-Trace website.
In your email/request, please provide the following information:
If you are already our partner and have any questions about how our applications work, in addition to writing to, you can also request technical support directly through the Partner Panel in the "Send message to support" section.
We will respond to your query as fully and promptly as possible.
We really appreciate the feedback and ratings of our users because they help us develop and grow.
If you have the opportunity and a couple of minutes of time, we will be very grateful if you can rate our solutions on any resource, including:
Forguard on Google Play or AppStore.
Ruhavik on Google Play or AppStore.