Using API and Stripe Integration in GPS Monitoring | Blog | GPS-Trace

Using API and Stripe Integration in GPS Monitoring

4.6.2024 | Veranika Patachyts

Last month at GPS-Trace, we introduced two significant business enhancements: our REST API and Stripe integration. GPS monitoring represents just one facet of fleet management. Currently, fleet managers and resellers employ a diverse array of tools to optimize their operations, with companies deploying an average of 23 apps across their business processes. This array can lead to isolated data across disparate systems.


Application Programming Interface (API) integrations play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges. REST APIs, renowned for their simplicity and efficiency, facilitate seamless communication between systems via the internet using HTTP requests to execute actions like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE on resources in formats such as JSON or XML.

GPS software API

APIs act as software intermediaries that allow systems to exchange data effectively. By integrating GPS tracking data with other critical data through APIs, fleet managers can gain a comprehensive overview of their fleets. Moreover, APIs can aggregate information from various devices and equipment, providing a holistic view of fleet activities.

As a GPS tracking device reseller, connecting your online store with accounting, billing, and warehouse systems is essential, and our API at GPS-Trace is pivotal in this integration.



Another key aspect is billing. With global e-commerce sales projected to reach nearly US$7.4 trillion by 2025, understanding how to manage online transactions is vital for tapping into this burgeoning market. Integrating a payment gateway like Stripe into your website is crucial for developing a fully functional e-commerce platform.


Our Partner Panel now features a tool that allows partners to generate payment links for clients to pay via Stripe. Additionally, partners can monitor payment statuses and, based on this data, either block or unblock a client, enhancing operational control.

Our API and Stripe integration significantly enhance our platform's functionality at GPS-Trace, setting a new standard in the industry.


Illustrating a Common Use Case at GPS-Trace:

Imagine you own an online store selling GPS tracking devices, offering a range of 10-50 models along with local SIM cards. Here’s how you might set up a customer journey:

  1. A customer selects GPS trackers, places them in the shopping cart, and specifies the number of units (vehicles) for a single user account.
  2. A new Forguard account with specified units, IMEIs, is created via the API.
  3. The customer receives his welcome letter with an activation link for his Forguard account and sets up his email and password.
  4. After that, your Content Management System (CMS) receives the information about the new activated account via API and issues a pre-payment bill using our Stripe-integrated tool.
  5. The customer receives and pays the bill via a Stripe payment link. Payment status updates are automatically reflected in both the Partner Panel and your Stripe account.
  6. Upon payment confirmation from Stripe, your CMS updates the bill’s status to "paid," and the order can be dispatched.
  7. The customer receives his receipt and the order can be shipped. 
  8. When he receives his order with GPS tracking devices and SIM cards, he can install the GPS trackers himself or with assistance from technicians.

This streamlined process minimizes your involvement and ensures customer satisfaction with their purchase.

Gps Tracking Units

Preparatory work involves downloading new batches of GPS tracking devices and their IMEIs via our API into your Partner account, ensuring smooth integration and operational efficiency.



Ready to elevate your business with an online store equipped with cutting-edge automation tools? Visit GPS-Trace today to learn more about how our API and Stripe integration can transform your business operations, or contact us today.