Topflytech TLW1-10A

Topflytech TLW1-10A
Units in your region: 0 / 12
SMS commands:
  • APN
    APN,Current PIN,APN Name,Username,Password#
  • IP/DNS
    IP,Current PIN,Server Domain Name or IP,Port Number#
  • Time zone
    GMT,Current PIN,Time Zone#
  • Upload interval setting
    TIMER,Current PIN,Upload Time(ACC on):Upload Time(ACC off):Angle Compensation:Distance Compensation#

Commands are not case-sensitive and can be sent via mobile phone or Web. The content is separated by comma and ends with #. When set successfully, the tracker will return OK and execute it. Otherwise there is no message returned.

Topflytech TLW1-10A is a compact GPS tracker for versatile tracking applications with LTE support for the North American market. The device features crash detection, motion detection, driver behavior monitoring, geo-fencing, 2 digital inputs, 2 digital outputs, 2 analog inputs,  Bluetooth 4.0, FOTA, fuel level and temperature sensors support, and more.

The exact server address and port for your device is specified in Unit Settings on the Hardware tab.

The list of possible addresses is below:

DNS Address:

How to use?

Create an account and Log in

Simply register in GPS-Trace platform. Download the app that suits you best! Enter the username and password that you specified during registration.

Create a unit

Create a unit in your account! Select your device type, set a unique ID and get the server address and port for connecting the device.

Configure your tracker

Configure your tracker to send data to the server address and port received when the unit was created. As soon as your tracker starts sending data to the server, the unit will immediately be displayed in the application.

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