Cara memulai
Beli GPS Pelacak
Unduh Aplikasi
Konfigurasi Pelacak
Lacak Kendaraan Anda
If no password or log in set use two spaces in beginning
If no password or log in set use two spaces in beginning
If no password or login set use two spaces in beginning
Teltonika Configurator software is a sophisticated tracker management tool. With just one application you can manage several types of devices.
This tool lets you also make a fast and easy configuration, firmware updates, device diagnostics, status check and debug. Advanced tooltips integration allows you to use configurator without any user manuals.
To download the latest version or a specific version of the Teltonika Configurator, click the link
Teltonika FMC130 is a tracking terminal with GNSS and GSM connectivity, which is able to collect device coordinates and transfer them via GSM network to a server. This device is perfectly suitable for applications, which require the location acquirement of remote objects.
Alamat server dan port yang tepat untuk perangkat Anda ditentukan di Pengaturan Unit pada tab Perangkat Keras.
Daftar kemungkinan alamat di bawah ini:
Beli GPS Pelacak
Unduh Aplikasi
Konfigurasi Pelacak
Lacak Kendaraan Anda
Tim GPS-Trace membangun dan mendukung komunitas mitra di seluruh dunia yang menawarkan layanan pelacakan GPS kepada klien secara global.
Bergabunglah dengan Peta Mitra kami hari ini untuk meningkatkan visibilitas bisnis Anda, menarik pelanggan baru, dan membuka peluang pertumbuhan. Perluas jangkauan Anda dan dorong kesuksesan dalam industri pelacakan GPS.