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Morey MCX101 is an OBDII tracking terminal with GNSS and GSM connectivity, which is able to collect device coordinates and transfer them via the GSM network to a server. This device is perfectly suitable for applications, which require the location acquirement of remote objects. Morey MCX101 represents the next step in communication technology – this is the first Plug and track LTE OBD device with GNSS and Bluetooth connectivity. Possibility to read OBD II parameters, effortless installation, and detailed accelerometer data provide a compelling solution. This is the perfect tracker for a wide range of applications – fleet management of light commercial vehicles, car rental & leasing, driver log-book, insurance telematics (UBI), and so on. The device supports various Bluetooth Low Energy sensors, beacons, firmware, and configuration update via Bluetooth.
O endereço exato do servidor e a porta para o seu dispositivo estão especificados nas Configurações da Unidade na aba Hardware.
A lista de possíveis endereços está abaixo:
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A equipe do GPS-Trace constrói e apoia uma comunidade mundial de parceiros que oferecem serviços de rastreamento GPS a clientes globalmente.
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