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By default, the <password> field has the value123456.
<server_address> – a string with a length of up to 32 symbols. Contains the DNS name or IP address of the server.
<server_port> – a number within the range from 1 to 65535. It is not a mandatory parameter and this parameter is not required to be transmitted when it is not necessary to change the server port. <protocol_type> – the number of the protocol: 0 – INTERNAL; 4 – EGTS.
<server_SN> – the ID for the server. It is not a mandatory parameter and this parameter is not required to be transmitted when it is not necessary to change the ID for the server.
<server_password> – the password for the server. It is not a mandatory parameter and this parameter is not required to be transmitted when it is not necessary to change the password for the server.
If you type space key instead value – you will remove value.
By default, the <password> field has the value123456.
<name> – a string with a length of up to 32 symbols. Contains the name of the access point.
<user_name> – a string with a length of up 32 symbols. Contains the user name of the access point.
<apn password> – a string with a length of up 32 symbols. Contains the password of the access point.
For the remote configuration of the tracker, a cloud service, web configurator, is used. It allows remotely configuring a device or group of devices without physical connection to the tracker via a cable or adapter. In addition, the web configurator service supports the function of the remote updating of device software. To work with the web configurator, you will need an account (login/password), which you can always get receive at the support Service
Arnavi Integral 3 is a compact, economical, and easy-to-install GPS tracker. The device features RS-485 or RS-232 (depending on the version) and 1-WIRE interfaces, 1 analog input, 3 discrete inputs, 2 discrete outputs, backup battery, and more.
O endereço exato do servidor e a porta para o seu dispositivo estão especificados nas Configurações da Unidade na aba Hardware.
A lista de possíveis endereços está abaixo:
Comprar rastreador GPS
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Configurar rastreador
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A equipe do GPS-Trace constrói e apoia uma comunidade mundial de parceiros que oferecem serviços de rastreamento GPS a clientes globalmente.
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