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Beli GPS Pelacak
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Konfigurasi Pelacak
Lacak Kendaraan Anda
Before you can use the gps tracker Reachfar you need to authorize your cell phone number of your smartphone / cell phone.
Authorization means to allow just only that number to send instruction commands to the gps tracker and to disallow requesting a location by call or sms from other numbers. This is a kind of security feature.
Don't use the number in the tracker for authorization, use the number of your cell phone (!). This authorized number is also called admin number, master number or center number. Please use the international number format (41,43,49, etc.) without leading +.
Doesn't reset with factory reset.
If user name and password are blank, just keep the coma.
Change the SMS language to English, the first digital is for
language: 1 is Chinese, 0 is English.
The second digital is for timezone.
ReachFar V23 is a universal 4G GPS tracker suitable for asset, personal, and vehicle monitoring. The device features voice calls, SMS, geofencing, vibration alarm, Wi-Fi alarm, door movement alarm, and more.
Alamat server dan port yang tepat untuk perangkat Anda ditentukan di Pengaturan Unit pada tab Perangkat Keras.
Daftar kemungkinan alamat di bawah ini:
Beli GPS Pelacak
Unduh Aplikasi
Konfigurasi Pelacak
Lacak Kendaraan Anda
Tim GPS-Trace membangun dan mendukung komunitas mitra di seluruh dunia yang menawarkan layanan pelacakan GPS kepada klien secara global.
Bergabunglah dengan Peta Mitra kami hari ini untuk meningkatkan visibilitas bisnis Anda, menarik pelanggan baru, dan membuka peluang pertumbuhan. Perluas jangkauan Anda dan dorong kesuksesan dalam industri pelacakan GPS.