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Beli GPS Pelacak
Unduh Aplikasi
Konfigurasi Pelacak
Lacak Kendaraan Anda
For example: 000000,B00,1,,27946
1) 000000 is password, default 000000
2) B00 is command
3) Type: open/close TCP (GPRS) connection. “1” is open, “0” is close
4) IP: server IP or domain
5) Port: server port
6) Between fields is comma without any space
For example: 000000,B01,internet
Part of APN only have APN name, don’t have APN user and APN password, leave the APN user and APN password blank.
For example: 000000,B03,30,300
Set time interval at every 30 seconds when the device moves, at every 300 seconds when the device stops.
1) Time interval more than 30s is suggested
2) Move time interval: tracking time interval under moving, unit is second, default 30 seconds
3) Stop time interval: tracking interval when the device stops, default 30 seconds
4) If field parameter is empty, the device will always upload data, no matter this device moves or stops.
Eg: 000000,B03,30
Device will upload data at 30 seconds interval always, ignore move/stop state.
FIFOTRACK PARAMETER TOOL lets you make a fast and easy configuration of tracker. Please download USB cable driver and install it before using parameter tool. To download the latest version of FIFOTRACK PARAMETER TOOL or USB cable driver click the link.
The Fifotrack S20 is a lightweight GPS tracking device ideal for motorcycles, vehicles, boats, and asset tracking. It has an industrial design with a power input range of 8-92V. Core features include internal GPS/GSM antennas, IP66 waterproof rating, two digital inputs, one analog input, and one output.
Alamat server dan port yang tepat untuk perangkat Anda ditentukan di Pengaturan Unit pada tab Perangkat Keras.
Daftar kemungkinan alamat di bawah ini:
Beli GPS Pelacak
Unduh Aplikasi
Konfigurasi Pelacak
Lacak Kendaraan Anda
Tim GPS-Trace membangun dan mendukung komunitas mitra di seluruh dunia yang menawarkan layanan pelacakan GPS kepada klien secara global.
Bergabunglah dengan Peta Mitra kami hari ini untuk meningkatkan visibilitas bisnis Anda, menarik pelanggan baru, dan membuka peluang pertumbuhan. Perluas jangkauan Anda dan dorong kesuksesan dalam industri pelacakan GPS.